Bengal Cat vs Maine Coon Cat: Which Breed is the Superior One?!

The first time I saw a Maine Coon cat, I lost my mind about how cool they look! Then I got to learn more and more about Bengal cats and well, I can see why, when it comes to choosing one of these two breeds, there are many factors to consider.

Today, I’m going to share with you some awesome stuff regarding both breeds and compare their coats, sizes, weight, and origins. Off we go:

The Bengal cat is a relatively new breed that was created by breeding an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. This breed is known for its wild appearance, with a coat that resembles that of a leopard.

On the other hand, the Maine Coons are one of the oldest breeds of cat in North America. This breed is known for its large size, with males weighing up to 18 pounds.

Maine Coons are also known for their long, thick fur, which requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and shiny.

Comparing Origins and History of Main Coons and Bengals

In this section, I’m going to give you some cool origin facts about both breeds:

How Did Bengals Come to Be?


Bengal cats have a fascinating origin story that dates back to the 1960s. The breed was created by breeding a domesticated cat with a wild Asian leopard cat.

The goal was to create a breed that resembled a leopard but had the temperament of a domesticated cat.

The first Bengal cat was bred in Yuma, Arizona, by Jean Mill, who is credited with creating the breed. The breed was recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) in 1986 and has since become a popular breed among cat enthusiasts.

Where Did Main Coons Come From?

Maine Coon cats, on the other hand, have a much longer history. One of the main theories is that the breed originated in the United States, specifically in the state of Maine.

The exact origins of the breed are unclear, but another theory suggests that the breed was created by breeding domesticated cats with wild cats, such as the Norwegian Forest Cat.

Another theory suggests that the breed was brought to the United States by European settlers.

Whatever the true origin story may be, Maine Coon cats have been a beloved breed in the United States for centuries.

Both Bengal cats and Maine Coon cats have fascinating origin stories that have contributed to their unique characteristics.

While Bengal cats were created by breeding domesticated cats with wild Asian leopard cats, Maine Coon cats have a more mysterious origin story that is still debated by cat enthusiasts today.

Physical Characteristics

As a cat lover, I have always been fascinated by the physical characteristics of different breeds. In this section, I will compare the physical characteristics of Bengal cats and Maine Coon cats:

Size and Weight

Bengal cats are medium to large-sized cats, while Maine Coon cats are pretty large cats.

A Bengal cat can weigh between 8-15 pounds, while a Maine Coon cat can weigh between 9-22 pounds. Yes, you read that right!

Maine Coon cats are also taller than Bengal cats, with an average height of 10-16 inches compared to Bengal cats’ 9-11 inches.

Coat and Patterns

Both Bengal cats and Maine Coon cats have unique coats that set them apart from other breeds.

Bengal cats have a short, sleek coat with distinct rosette or spotted patterns. On the other hand, Maine Coon cats have a long, shaggy coat with a ruff around their necks.

Maine Coon cats come in a variety of colors and patterns, including tabby, solid, and tortoiseshell.

Eyes and Ears

Bengal cats have large, almond-shaped eyes that are usually green or gold.

Maine Coon cats have large, round eyes that can be green, gold, or copper. Both breeds have large, tufted ears that give them a majestic look.

Overall, Bengal cats are sleek and agile, while Maine Coon cats are muscular and majestic. The differences in their physical characteristics make them unique and beloved by cat enthusiasts around the world.

Personality and Temperament

As someone who has loved cats for over 20 years, I find personalities and temperaments of various cat breeds the most fascinating:

Bengal Cat Personality

Bengal cats are known for their energetic and playful personalities. They are highly intelligent and curious, always exploring their surroundings and seeking out new adventures.

They are also very affectionate and love to be around people, often following their owners around the house and seeking attention. Bengal cats are loyal and make great companions.

Maine Coon Temperament

Maine Coons are often referred to as “gentle giants” due to their large size and laid-back personalities.

They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, and are often described as being more dog-like than cat-like in their behavior.

Maine Coons are very intelligent and curious, and enjoy playing with toys and exploring their surroundings. They are also very loyal to their owners and enjoy spending time with them.

Overall, both Bengal cats and Maine Coons have unique personalities and temperaments that make them great pets for different types of people.

While Bengal cats are known for their energetic and playful nature, Maine Coons are known for their laid-back and gentle demeanor. Whether you are looking for a playful and energetic cat or a loyal and relaxed companion, both Bengal cats and Maine Coons can make great pets.

Health and Lifespan

Both Bengals and Maine Coons can have health issues so it’s important to know what you may deal with in the future when adopting one of these fascinating and stunning felines:

Common Health Issues


Bengal cats have a lifespan of 9 to 15 years. However, like all cats, they can develop certain health issues. Some common health problems that Bengal cats may face include:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a genetic heart condition that can cause thickening of the heart muscle, leading to heart failure. Bengal cats are prone to this condition, so it’s important to have them screened regularly by a vet.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): This is an inherited eye disease that can cause vision loss and blindness. Bengal cats can be carriers of the gene that causes PRA, so it’s important to have them tested before breeding.
  • Patellar luxation: This is a condition where the kneecap dislocates from its normal position. It can cause lameness and pain. Bengal cats are prone to this condition, so watch for signs of limping or favoring one leg.

On the other hand, Maine Coon cats are generally healthy and have a lifespan of 12 to 16 years. But, like all cats, they can develop certain health issues. Some common health problems that Maine Coon cats may face include:

  • Hip dysplasia: This is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to arthritis and pain. Maine Coon cats are prone to this condition, so it’s important to have them screened regularly by a vet.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is the same heart condition that Bengal cats are prone to.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): This is the same eye disease that Bengal cats are prone to.

Grooming Needs

Both Bengal cats and Maine Coons have a gloriously thick coat of fur that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.

Bengal cats have a short, sleek coat that sheds less than the long-haired Maine Coon. But they still require weekly brushing to remove loose fur and distribute natural oils throughout their coat.

On the other hand, Maine Coons have a thick, shaggy coat that requires more frequent grooming. Daily brushing is recommended to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting.

The last consideration is that they may require occasional trimming to keep their fur from becoming too long and unmanageable.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial for the health and well-being of your Bengal cat or Maine Coon. Both breeds require high-quality, protein-rich food to maintain their energy levels and keep their coat shiny and healthy.

Bengal cats are known for their high energy levels and require a diet that is rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Maine Coons, on the other hand, require a diet that is high in protein and fat to maintain their energy levels and support their growth.

For both breeds, monitor their food intake and avoid overfeeding, as they are also prone to obesity.

Exercise and Activity Level

Both Bengal cats and Maine Coons are highly active and require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental health.

Bengal cats are known for their athleticism and love to play, climb, and run. Providing them with plenty of toys and opportunities to play will help keep them happy and healthy.

Maine Coons are also active cats that enjoy playing and exploring their environment. They are known for their love of water and may enjoy playing in a shallow pool or running water from a faucet.

Behavioral Traits

maine coon posing

As a cat parent, understanding the behavioral traits of a Bengal cat and a Maine Coon is crucial in choosing the right breed that suits your lifestyle. Here are the behavioral traits of Bengal cats and Maine Coons:

Social Behavior

Bengal cats are known to be affectionate and crave attention from their owners. They enjoy being around people and are always eager to play.

Maine Coons are similar in nature. They’re friendly and sociable cats that enjoy the company of their owners and other pets. They are known for their gentle and loving nature, making them great family pets as well.

Vocalization and Communication

Bengal cats are vocal and communicate with their owners using a range of sounds, from meows to chirps. They are also known for their active nature and will often follow their owners around the house.

Maine Coons are not as vocal as Bengal cats, but they do communicate with their owners using a range of sounds, including purrs and trills.

Adaptation and Living Environment

Bengal cats and Maine Coons are both domestic cats that can adapt well to living with humans but there are some differences in their adaptation and living environment requirements.

Compatibility with Children and Families

Bengal cats are known to be very active and playful, making them great companions for children and families who are looking for an energetic and intelligent cat.

Maine Coons are also good with children and families, but they tend to be more laid-back and calm compared to Bengal cats.

Space and Comfort Requirements


Both breeds require ample space to move around and play.

Bengal cats are known to be more active and require more space to run and play compared to Maine Coons. They also require more companionship and attention, while Maine Coons can be left alone for longer periods of time.

When it comes to litter box requirements, both breeds are relatively easy to train and adapt to using a litter box.

Breed Recognition and Standards

Both breeds are recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA), a company that sets standards for cat breeds. In this section, I will discuss the TICA standards for Bengal and Maine Coon cats and their distinctive features:

TICA Standards

According to TICA, Bengal cats are a domestic cat breed that resembles a miniature leopard. They have muscular bodies, are medium to large-sized cats, and have rosette markings. Bengal cats are intelligent, active, and sociable. They are also known for their distinctive vocalizations and love of water.

On the other hand, Maine Coon cats are also a domestic cat breed that originated in Maine, USA. They are large, muscular cats with distinctive tufted ears and a long, bushy tail. Maine Coon cats are calm and independent, making them great pets for those who prefer a low-maintenance companion.

Challenges and Considerations


While both breeds have their advantages, there are also some challenges and considerations to keep in mind.

One challenge of owning a bengal cat is their high energy level. They require plenty of playtime and stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. Additionally, bengals can be quite vocal and demanding, which may not be ideal for all owners.

Maine coons, on the other hand, are known for their large size and can require more space than other cat breeds. They also shed quite a bit, which can be a consideration for those with allergies.

Finally, while maine coons are generally quite gentle, they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and heart disease.

What are the price differences between Bengal cats and Maine Coons?

The price of a Bengal cat or Maine Coon can vary depending on various factors such as the breeder, location, age, and lineage. But typically, Bengal cats tend to be more expensive compared to Maine Coons.

Please take these numbers with a grain of salt: Bengal cats can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000, while Maine Coons usually range from $400 to $1,500.

Can you mix a Bengal cat with a Maine Coon and what would the offspring be like?

It is possible to breed a Bengal cat with a Maine Coon, and the offspring would be a hybrid of the two breeds. However, it is not recommended to do so as it can lead to unpredictable traits and health issues.

Breeding two different breeds can result in genetic disorders and other health problems for the kittens. Therefore, it’s best to stick to breeding within the same breed.

Which breed tends to be more sociable, Bengal cats or Maine Coons?

Both Bengal cats and Maine Coons are known for their friendly and sociable personalities.

Overall, Maine Coons are generally more laid-back and relaxed while Bengal cats are more energetic and playful.

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